4 Career Insights From 342 Coffees

September 2024

Hi friend,

I’m coming up on a year of coaching full-time, which damn! is such a milestone in itself.

Thank you for being a part of my journey. Whether it's been reading this newsletter (I see you!), referring people to work with me, or encouraging me to keep going. I value you so, so much. Thank you.

This newsletter is a review of the past year and my biggest learnings.

I can’t tell you the number of coffee shops I’ve written at, the number of Zoom calls I’ve had, or the amount of money I’ve made.

Or maybe I can.

Much like “Seasons of Love” in RENT, how can we measure the seasons of coaching?

  • 342 decaf coconut flat whites. I’m SO embarrassed to disclose my extra-complicated coffee order, but there you have it. I am a difficult customer and one of those lactose-intolerant people who also gets way too jittery with caffeine! Some days I was extra sneaky and ordered this twice.
  • 3.4 Zoom calls a day. This is a lot. I’m intentionally trending downwards but wow oh wow, you should have seen me in May, sprinting to the bathroom between calls.
  • Disclaimer: In the spirit of transparency, I like to be very candid about money. If this makes you uncomfortable, skip this bullet point!
    I’m on track to make around $200k this year and last month I made $28k. Which is huge! 200k was my goal and it feels good to be meeting it. Over the last 4 years when I was coaching part-time I made around 10k/yr so wow, what a difference it makes to be full-time vs part.

My biggest learnings which were both helpful & surprising:

  • It’s human nature to recreate the familiar.
    And for me, I found myself creeping back to my schedule of busyness. Blank space? Let me fill it!
    Previously as an engineering manager I was constantly in meetings and in my own business, I started doing the same.
    It took super exhaustion and wondering “hey, why did I schedule each one of these things?” to realize I was going to burn out again.
    I added in some scary “blocked out time for no calls” to allow myself rest and creativity.
    What helped me - I use tools like Reclaim.ai to build around my tendencies and ensure I could work at my highest energy.
  • More time building, less time tearing it down.
    Even when they mean well.
    Being an entrepreneur?
    Being a coach?
    Leaving a cushy tech salary?
    All the “these are risky options” boxes were checked.
    I could have listened to people’s warnings, my own insecurities, or looked at statistics, like the likelihood of success when running a business.
    I did, admittedly, lurk on Reddit for the first 3 months.
    And then I realized all of the naysaying wasn’t helpful.
    Did I want to go after my dreams of being a highly-impactful coach with a business, which can take care of me and my loved ones?
    Ok then.
    It was time to focus on building that, rather than tearing it down.
  • Hiring a coach was one of the best things I’ve done.
    I spent 10k on a coach this year as a birthday gift. It was a lot of money and I was terrified!
    But, I truly couldn’t have gotten where I am now as quickly (if I’m honest, it would have taken me at least 3 years) or as enjoyably, without working with my own coach.
    What helped me - I set intentional goals and showed up vulnerably. I asked for help and fully utilized the support, wisdom, and accountability from my coach.
  • Getting curious about my reluctance and fear
    I dragged my feet on giving talks for the first 8 months of this year.
    Like, a half-blown tantrum type of reluctance.
    It wasn’t until March that I gave my first talk and now I’ve done 6 talks for over 1000 people.
    That’s kind of wild, right? I’ve spoken at LeadDev in NYC, ran a workshop for CreativeMornings, and hosted my own talks online.
    And I love it!
    What helped me - I got curious about why I was so scared to give a talk (the pressure to be an expert and be perfect) and then brainstormed how I could add my own flavor to it.
    You’ll usually catch me asking people to make a silly sound at the beginning or playing a newly beloved song to set the tone.
    I also hated getting my photo taken but have since, made it a silly, low-stakes thing!

Exhibit A:

My clients make waves

I love to brag about my clients and here are some of the incredible things they’ve accomplished this year:

  • A senior engineer who landed a job at a super cool robotics company with a 40k raise and a sure path to leadership. We worked together to create an outreach strategy and craft her background story, which felt authentic to her and easy to implement.
    I saw a robot at the NYC airport lounge last week and it was her company! So. neat.
  • A founder who closed a multi-million dollar deal. Within his first year of business! Full stop. 👏
    We worked together on setting clear boundaries with his co-founder, prioritizing high-impact business decisions, and building his vision in alignment with his values of abundance and integrity.
  • A senior engineering manager who received a promotion and raise.
    We navigated building trust again after a re-org, built her personal brand, and created opportunities which got her out-of-the-weeds and into high-visibility.
  • A senior product manager who launched her own coaching business and signed paying clients within the first 3 months.
  • A data scientist who ate her way through Spain after landing a dream job in FemTech with a boss who fully supports her.
    All this while also getting a Penguin book deal for spooky cocktail recipes!

Looking forward

The year isn't over and there are so many magical things we can create together. More momentum and transformations!

Here’s how you can support:

Forward this email to any senior leaders in tech who might want to explore working with me:

  • I'm opening up 2 more 1:1 coaching spots for the rest of the year before taking a December hiatus (ahem, vacation! Woohoo.)
  • The 4th cohort of AuthenTech starts on October 15th. Get on the waitlist before I open it up to the public!
  • Speaking opportunities. If your organization could benefit from me running a workshop or talk, let's chat about it.

It’s been one fantastic rollercoaster of a year and some day, I’ll draw you a diagram of all the highs and lows.

Writing this already is already a great reminder of all the wonderful progress and momentum we’ve made in this world. What a difference a year can make, huh?

Thank you for being a part of it with me.

Write me back with your own hopes for the next couple months!

Rooting for you,


Start With Hello is a weekly newsletter of quips, tips + proven strategies specifically designed for women in tech who are ready to feel more like the energized and damn cool person they were 5 years ago.

It’s written by Sarah, a coach, founder, and Sushi Go aficionado. I offer 1:1 coaching and a group program for senior women in tech called AuthenTech.

Please forward this to a friend if they’d find it interesting AND have a wondrously spectacular kind of day⚡️

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I help senior women in tech fall back in love with their careers.

"I look forward to reading your newsletters every time I get them. Every time something deeply resonates with me and I am forever grateful." - Pollyanna