What my day looks like with a portfolio career

Sarah Ing

April 9th

What my day looks like with a portfolio career (tl;dr it's busy and varied)

Hi friend,

I've been thinking a lot about portfolio careers.

Or rather, what I like to call patchwork careers.

Because for me, I stitch a bunch of things together that I find interesting for work.

And that makes up one quilt of a career.

A weighted quilt if you will.

One that's cozy and offers support.

It was in a recent conversation with someone in the Leopard Slack community, that I realized it could be helpful to share what and how I made this happen.

Because each day is different.

Yesterday, for instance, was HEAVY on the video calls.

Here's what it looked like:

  • Collaboration call with a founder of a super cool community for multi-hyphenates, where we brainstormed coaching offerings
  • Call with a founder about a potential consulting gig to help build out his community for engineers
  • Call with one of my faves, Lexi, who is the CEO of Leopard, where we checked in on community strategy and the onboarding experience for new members
  • Coaching call with a stupendous client who is feeling guilty for taking breaks and wants to improve her communication skills.
  • A podcast recording with Just a Job, which was more laughing and sharing of outlandish decisions in my career, than a buttoned-up occasion (my favorite kind)

Lots and lots of conversations!

And here's what today looked like:

  • Async coaching with my group program, AuthenTech and celebration of some wonderful milestones for people in the group (starting a LLC! applying for a job! meeting someone exciting for a coffee chat!)
  • Going to a musical midday on a solo date with myself. It gave me Dear Evan Hansen vibes and this song is still in my head. What an earworm!
  • Call with my own mastermind, filled with other solopreneurs building their own businesses.
  • Announcing my new offering! Monthly coaching through voice and text support. If you're excited by this (I'm looking at you Zoom fatiguers), I'm kicking this off as soon as next week.

There are definitely upsides.

Fun work! Variety! Stimulation!

And downsides.

Juggling of 10 things at once. Creating and adhering to boundaries.

If you're interested in such a life, I'm giving a talk about it next Tuesday.

With an overview of who I work with, a breakdown of my hours, and rough income.

It'll be fun! + transparent and helpful. You can join us here.

Other happenings this week:

  • What would you do if you were 2x braver? LinkedIn Post
  • I recorded a fun session with my work wife and colleague, Jori Bell as part of my series called Hey, How Was Your Day? (we talk about a day in your past, present, & future). Come hang out with us.
    • p.s. I'm always looking for interesting people to have on the show and be interviewed. Reply if you want to be on the show!

Shiny things that caught my eye (and I want to share them!)

  • I love Fujii Kaze so much and would play his songs before meetings when I worked at Splice. I recently watched this music video and its color, levity, and message make me smile!
  • Talking to Pi, an AI where you can choose voice feedback and, even choose the voice. I find it a little more fun than chatgpt, especially for its millennial aesthetics.

Rooting for you,


Start With Hello is a weekly newsletter of quips, tips + proven strategies specifically designed for women in tech who are ready to feel more like the energized and damn cool person they were 5 years ago.

It’s written by Sarah, a coach, founder, and Sushi Go aficionado. I offer career coaching and if you’re in a rut, I’ve got you - book a snack-sized curiosity chat.

Please forward this to a friend if they’d find it interesting AND have a jazzy, spectacular kind of day⚡️

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